Tell me what you plan to do with your one precious life.
– Mary Oliver
Career coaching
I am passionate about you being fulfilled, successful, happy in your career or the work you do. If you ever watch swans out of water they are so ungainly and slow. Ideally you want to be in the water - the right environment for you. Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers that reflect who they really are. Here you’ll find the different options for identifying your ideal career or work - the 'water' for you. So you are clear what to do with your 'one precious life'.
All types of Career Coaching provides the time and space to really focus on the most important person - you. You will:
- create a clear vision of a career or work that is absolutely right for you and a plan for how to create it
- proactively manage your career, set new directions and achieve more than you were considering
- learn more about yourself so increasing your self-awareness
- enjoy the experience!
I work with:
- senior leaders and professionals looking to identify their next move
- those at a crossroads in their career or work
- young people starting out
What's the next step? Read more about the different options & choose the best one for you.
Online self-paced career coaching programme
A self-paced, easily accessible career coaching programme - allowing you to work at your own pace and in your own time at a much more cost-effective price. Its fun, practical with audio recordings to support.
Unique You - Know Yourself: Discovering more about yourself is essential pre-work to finding a role, career or work that you love and works for you. This is the first and most important part of identifying what's the ideal career or work for you– getting to know yourself.
Your ideal Work: This is a follow-on career coaching programme to identify options, including tips on how to achieve your ideal work in practice.
Other Career Coaching options with me include:
One-to-one career coaching: If you are considering a complete career change or you have no idea of the ideal work or career for you and you want to work one-to-one.
Career Development: This is more focussed on options within your current field of work. Much the same as one-one coaching but we really look at what's working and not working in your current role and where you want to get to.
Senior Leaders and Professionals looking to identify their next move generally choose phone or face-to-face Career Development.
Career Assessments: Information on and access to useful online career assessments, which are all interactive and relatively short to complete.
Career Coaching can be face-to-face, on the phone or through Skype.
Customer reviews
Career coaching
Service description:
I am passionate about you being fulfilled, successful, happy in your career or the work you do. If you ever watch swans out of water they are so ungainly and slow. Ideally you want to be in the water - the right environment for you. Research shows that those who are most satisfied and motivated by their work are in careers that reflect who they really are. Here you’ll find the different options for identifying your ideal career or work - the 'water' for you. So you are clear what to do with your 'one precious life'.
Enhanced confidence HR Business Partner, UK · 06 December 2012
8/9 stars
I came away with enhanced confidence, greater clarity about what I wanted from my life both career-wise and personally.
Vision for myself Darrell Hayward, Senior Consultant, Singapore · 12 October 2014
9/9 stars
One of the key areas that you helped me with was to focus on a vision of where I wanted to be… I wanted to say thanks for your help in providing me with the tools and space to ask the questions that I needed to ask of myself to make the right decisions for myself at this time.
What are my skills? Alex Maxwell · 14 July 2016
8/9 stars
The chance to really hone in on what it is that makes me unique instead of what is normally the reverse process when I apply for jobs I think I am interested in... me trying to fit into boxes. It made me really think hard about what skills I have and what I don't have and therefore need to do to progress and grow.
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